# because we are a monorepo, some create-react-app dependencies may be installed in the root directory,
# it complains if it find such packages so we need to disable the check.
# 下面设置两个,如果不需要login则关闭
# pylint: disable=line-too-long
config = {
# ip or hostname to bind the socket to, this only applies when running the server in
# standalone mode.
"host": "",
# port to bind to, this only applies when running the server in standalone mode.
"port": 8000,
"db_url": "sqlite://:memory:",
# url that rmf-server is being served on.
# When being a proxy, this must be the url that rmf-server is mounted on.
# E.g. https://example.com/rmf/api/v1
"public_url": "http://localhost:8000",
"static_directory": "static", # The directory where static files should be stored.
"log_level": "WARNING", # https://docs.python.org/3.8/library/logging.html#levels
# a user that is automatically given admin privileges, note that this does not guarantee that the user exists in the identity provider.
"builtin_admin": "admin",
# path to a PEM encoded RSA public key which is used to verify JWT tokens, if the path is relative, it is based on the working dir.
"jwt_public_key": "/home/rmf/rmf-web/packages/api-server/api_server/test.pub",
# url to the oidc endpoint, used to authenticate rest requests, it should point to the well known endpoint, e.g.
# http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/rmf-web/.well-known/openid-configuration.
# NOTE: This is ONLY used for documentation purposes, the "jwt_public_key" will be the
# only key used to verify a token.
"oidc_url": "None",
# Audience the access token is meant for. Can also be an array.
# Used to verify the "aud" claim.
"aud": ["rmf_api_server","myclient", "account"],
# url or string that identifies the entity that issued the jwt token
# Used to verify the "iss" claim
# If iss is set to None, it means that authentication should be disabled
"iss": "http://localhost:8080/realms/rmf",
# list of arguments passed to the ros node, "--ros-args" is automatically prepended to the list.
# e.g.
# Run with sim time: ["-p", "use_sim_time:=true"]
"ros_args": [],
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